Devil's are locked up in the month of Ramadan free English Ebook and PDF

Devil's are locked up free English Ebook and PDF

Arabic: شيطان Satan. Literal Meaning: Enemy, adversary or plaintiff) is the name of the most evil existent among the Ibrahimi sects, symbolizing all the evil in the world. In these communities all goodness is given to God and evil is given to Satan. In Hinduism, there is no existence of such thing as Satan, because in the world sin and misery is produced by man himself through his actions and his ignorance. According to Christianity, Islam and Judaism, Satan was first an angel of God, who rebelled against God and God was expelled from heaven instead. Satan incites humans to sin on earth. Many also consider him the king of hell. The word Satan is also used for other evil spirits and evil gods. Satan is worshiped in Satanism.

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